Tutor is a supervisor of a research project group that implements an express research project at the IRS.
Traditionally, each IRS project has two tutors. At least one of them is the author of the idea and the plan for its implementation. We also have assistant tutors, who, being experts in the same or a close scientific field, accompany the work of the students during the IRS. Sometimes, both tutors can be the leaders of the group's work, if they have planned and scheduled the work together.
What we appreciate in tutors is communicative skills, ability to unite people into a team, attentiveness and respect for children and good English.
We are interested to have an international or, at least, interregional tandems of tutors in every project group.
The work of tutors is accompanied by an experienced team of methodologists and expert tutors of the IRS. Any methodological and pedagogical questions or difficulties that the tutors have in the course of the projects are discussed and resolved in the format of individual and general consultations.