Medicinal plants against bacteria
Ecology, Plant physiology, Botany, Biochemistry, Pharmacognosy
Due to the rapid development of industry and modern pharmacology, the principles of traditional medicine are gradually being lost. However, access to such advanced technology is not available in all regions of our planet.
Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea L.) is one of the famous medicinal plants. But many people are more familiar with the folk names of rhodiola - "golden root", "Siberian ginseng".

Scientific research of traditional medicine is mostly based on the isolation of bioactive components for possible use in the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, not much effort is being put into applying the results of research for the rational use of medicinal plants in everyday life.
Shtam bacteria on the nutrient medium
On our project, IRS participants from different countries will be able to get acquainted with the medicinal flora of their regions. During the field trips, we will learn to recognize such plants, and then remotely interact with the participants from other countries. Then we will isolate biologically active substances from the collected plants and investigate their effect on various bacteria using the cultivation and sowing method.

Leonela Goldobina

Moscow, Russia
Leonela graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Ecology and Rational Nature Management. When still at school, she took part in various applied environmental projects aimed at studying the world around her. Currently, she is a tutor for many educational projects - for example, "Amber Sparks 2021". She loves her activity for the opportunity to travel and work in nature and share her experience with interested students and colleagues.

Renata Melo

Recife, Brazil
Renata is a Geographer graduated from the Federal University of Pernambuco, focusing on environmental projects.
Participates in scientific movements spreading science to students in Brazil and in other countries.
"I understand that science represents the realization of the movement of ideas in the production of knowledge, where each area translate the way we relate to the environment.
It also has change my life and vision about the world relations.
As a tutor I can share this kind of background whit students who will building that society that I hope".
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