We have opened registration for delegations!
12th of November 2019
Excellent News, ladies and gentlemen!
We have opened registration for delegations, and you may now join the most scientific, interesting and fun event of next summer -the 13th International Research School. Don't miss you chance and apply for participation!

We invite delegations of schoolchildren aged 14 to 17 to participate in the event. We are waiting for creative and talented students interested in science, confident in English and open to communication with other cultures. We are also waiting for no less active delegation leaders, who work with teenagers in the field of science and research and are ready for active interaction in the IRS team!

A special experience sharing workshop is held for delegation leaders at the event every year.

13th International Research School will be held in Kaluga region on June 23-July 3, 2020.

To learn more about the conditions of participation and to submit an application, please visit the section Participation of our website.

And to see what the IRS is really like you can watch this video by Elena Vlasova!
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