David was born in Puebla (México) in October 7th, 1998. Currently, he is studying a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Engineering at the Popular Autonomous University of Puebla State (UPAEP). Since 2012, he has been taking part of several scientific events: science fairs, meetings, workshops and seminars. In 2016, I was the National Champion of "National Mexican ExpoSciences", which gave him the opportunity to attend the "Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar". In 2017, he was recognized as one the 25 most talented young scientist in the world by the Swedish Federation of Young Scientists. Also, on that year he was invited to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony by the Nobel Foundation.
His scientific interests are related to endemic plants, tissue cultivation, agronomy and environmental issues. At the present, he am developing a scientific research about an endemic cactus of Mexico entitled: "Morphogenetic effect of cytokinins 2iP, BAP and K in seedlings and lateral sprouts of Echinocactus platyacanthus".
David wishes to share his passion for plants and the environment with you!