Antonio is an associate educator in Bioteka, association for the promotion of biology and related sciences, in Zagreb, Croatia. He holds a bachelor's degree and master's degree in Environmental Sciences at University of Zagreb.
His job in Bioteka includes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) workshops with children, working in projects such as PANDA – project class for gifted children, in which gifted children age 6 to 12 have the opportunity to do real scientific work with help from external science experts and „Active youth in conservation of nature and environment", in which young people, aged 15 to 30, from all over Croatia have the opportunity to do their own projects in nature and environment conservation important to their local communities.
As a student, he was employed for three years at Zagreb ZOO as an educator/external associate. Working in the ZOO inspired his interest in fieldwork, research, nature and macro photography, animal welfare, herpetology, entomology, zoological gardens, ecology, and nature conservation.
In his free time, he likes to hike, read books, watch movies, admire photography, play board games, console games, learn Spanish and daydream while with his cat, Korben.