Genome Study of the Bovine Herpes Virus
Have you ever wondered how scientists learn something new about viruses - like the one that made us stay at home whole last year? How can you even understand something by looking at a particle barely visible under the most powerful microscope?

Now you don't have to wonder - you can try yourself, and you don't need a microscope at all - you only need a computer and access to the Internet! Bioinformatics allows you to make scientific discoveries without leaving your home. We'll have to dive a little into what viruses are and how they work, what evolution is and how mutations are associated with it, as well as how bioinformatics algorithms and databases work before we get to the fun part, but the result is well worth it - we will fully analyze the genome of the real bovine herpes virus and see what kind of genes it contains and how it differs from human and chicken viruses.
DNA molecule and nucleotide sequence

The project requires only minimal basic knowledge in molecular biology (if you know what DNA is - you are eligible) and the ability to use an Internet browser for its intended purpose (if you got here, you are definitely eligible). If you are still not sure if you knowledge will be enough for participation, worry not, the project includes an introductory lecture on the basics of molecular biology and evolution, as well as detailed instructions for each step.

In addition to new knowledge, you will gain valuable experience working with bioinformatics, and if you wish, you can ask and do something additional outside the framework of the project that interests you personally - a creative approach is welcome.

If you're interested – we'll be glad to see you!
Technical requirements:
- Laptop/PC with an Internet connection and with at least 4 GB of RAM

Ekaterina Tulaeva

Moscow, Russia
Ekaterina is a student and junior researcher at the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, works in the field of reparation and carcinogenesis, uses both bioinformatic data analysis (including machine learning) and structural bioinformatics (molecular modeling) methods. She also has experience in teaching molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics. Adores cats and viruses, will talk endlessly about the function and evolution of both when prompted.

Aisha Parven

Saskatoon, Canada
Aisha is a first-year student at the Medical University of Lublin (Poland). Along with being a medical student, Aisha also aspires on pursuing a career in research that focuses on breast cancer in hopes of finding a treatment. She has worked on a few research projects that have been ranked and recognized nationally. Her treatment for breast cancer cells using indium and gold-nanoparticles ranked gold citywide and silver nationwide. Aside from her studies and passion for research, she enjoys swimming, binge watching Netflix, and cooking!
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