Study of the condition of the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Issyk-Kul with the help of bioindication and biotesting methods.
Environmental monitoring, hydrobiology
The problem of preserving water resources is becoming more and more topical all over the world. Not only the health of animals and plants inhabiting them, but also human health depends on the condition of the aquatic ecosystem. The year 2023 has been declared the "year of water resources" by UNESCO. In this regard, it is important to study different methods for analyzing the state of aquatic ecosystems.
Biotesting on Daphnia Magna
In our project the participants will get acquainted with the diversity of invertebrate animals of the Issyk-Kul Lake and learn the methods of bioindication and biotesting for assessing the state of aquatic ecosystems in places with different level of anthropogenic impact. The test objects in our experiment will be the crustacean Daphia Magna, and the method of bioindication will be based on the analysis of the diversity of invertebrate fauna of Issyk-Kul Lake and nearby reservoirs.

The participants will be able to work independently with living biological objects, learn how to take samples for analysis of the quality of the aquatic environment in the field and work in the laboratory with reagents.

Objects of the bioindication method
Daphnia magna
Also, as part of the work, we will study the methods of statistical data analysis and will be able to compare the indicators of the quality of aquatic environments on different indices to get a complete picture of the state of aquatic ecosystems around the village Chok-Tal.

Requirements to the students
Basic knowledge in biology. Ability to work carefully with living organisms


Leonela Goldobina

Moscow, Russia
Leonela graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Ecology and Rational Nature Management. When still at school, she took part in various applied environmental projects aimed at studying the world around her. Currently, she is a tutor for many educational projects - for example, "Amber Sparks 2021". She loves her activity for the opportunity to travel and work in nature and share her experience with interested students and colleagues.

Zhypara Kadyrakunova

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Zhypara is currently enrolled as a third-year undergraduate student, majoring in "Environmental Sustainability and Climatology" at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA). She actively participates as a member of the university's environmental club, known as the "Green Club," where she strives to promote awareness and knowledge about climate change and ecology. Additionally, since 2022, Zhypara has taken on the role of coordinating the Kyrgyzstan Climate Educators Network. Her childhood attachment to the greatness of the mountains of Kyrgyzstan became a source of inspiration for a deep dive into the world of scientific research on nature conservation.
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