Instagram Photo Contest!
2 theme
Instagram Photo Contest! 2 theme

Duration: till July, 8
The second theme: My favourite place in my country

How to take part in the contest:
1. Take a picture of you favourite place in your country, or find it in your collection. The picture should be made by yourself or you should be on this picture.
2. Open your account in Instagram.
3. Choose the picture
4. Write the name of the country
5. Mark the account @irs_russia
6. Add #irs2021 #irs2021_place
7. Post it and wait for likes!
Note: Only posts with @ and # will take part in the contest. You may make unlimited amount of the posts.
Prize: The person who has the biggest amount of likes on the post wins the prize!

And don't forget about the first photo contest with a hashtag #irs2021_work
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